April 26, 2024

Sport, yes, but when?

Do you have an overworked schedule? All the more reason to go out and get rid of all the stress in the bathroom sport or during a jog! If you really care, time will find you.

Do you get up early do not scare you? You like to enjoy the calm: your children are still sleeping, your phone is not yet lit, the job has not yet invaded your thought. Put on your sneakers and walk around the neighborhood with little strides. What better way to start the day?

You do not need an hour and a half to eat a sandwich during the lunch break! You have planned everything: your business sport are carefully stored in a bag, under your desk. Noon thirty, go, go to the hall of gym the closest ! An hour of effort, a good shower and we resume the job where we left him. Simplicity itself.

Tonight, your other half is responsible for picking up the kids at school and taking care of the stewardship (or second scenario: your cat will wait patiently for a few more hours). During this time, you have every opportunity to make the most of this time. A few stretches, a little step, cardio, bike and swimming direction to cool off, swim or lounging. It is with the smile of a full-blown woman that you will find your little one family or your cat, once home!

You do not have the guts to handle the whole week and are afraid it will hurt your shape, your mood or your performance at job ? Enjoy a few hours during the weekend to devote yourself to 100% sport !

disney will hunt me for sport after this (April 2024)