April 29, 2024

The first name of the day: Clémence

This first name The girl, who nearly disappeared from the registers of Civil Status in the 1950s, has resumed the hair of the beast and could join the top twenty ranks of Paris and national rankings this year. To have ! Celebrated on March 21st, are Clemency wise and benevolent? The little girls, who wear this first name, will give a lot of satisfaction to their parents. They should not hesitate to give them responsibilities. They must also avoid making them feel guilty. When they are overprotected, Clemency tends to flee their responsibilities. Their family must think about developing their artistic gift.

One day, Clemency, whose first name means "sweetness" and "goodness" in Latin, will become women. Who are they ? What do they like? To you to discover it by reading these few lines. Very endearing, these women were born to seduce and spread peace around them. They give off an impression of calm and gentleness. Clemency is pleasant, helpful and affectionate because they do not want to disappoint those around them. Coquettes, their physical appearance is always neat. Loving the responsibilities, these women are also perfectionists especially in the professional environment. Sociables, they favor the communication. They are also intuitive and receptive.

Clémence Faivre at Horse Event 2012 (April 2024)