May 2, 2024

The first name of the day: Maïka

Etymology of name Maïka
The first name Maïka is of Basque origin and means "Goutte de mer". This first name is carried by nearly 600 people in France. Although the 2013 trend is first names short this first name still very rare today. The Maika are celebrated on August 15th.

In history, the Basques have long considered the first name Maika as a combination of Maria and Karmele, but the Spaniards have seen in Maika the merger of Mary and Carmen. It is especially in Quebec that this first name was strong in 2006 as he entered the top 20 in Quebec. Outside the Hexagon, Maïka begins to spread timidly.

Maïka is a young woman pleasant to live. In her personal life, she attaches great importance to the emotional life and cares for her loved ones. In her professional life, Maïka is a strategist and demonstrates an infallible will to achieve her goals.

Friends (May 2024)