April 26, 2024

The first name of the day: Safia

Etymology of firstname Safia
The first name Safia comes both from Arabic which means "pure, favorite girlfriend" but also from Greek which means "wisdom". This first name is carried by about 5,000 people in France but remains little attributed today. We also find Safia spelled: Safiya or Safya.

If we go back in time, Safia was one of eleven wives Muhammad (born in 570 - died in 632) the prophet of Islam. Noble of the Jewish tribe, she was captured in 629, and converted before her marriage to Muhammad. It is reported that Safia was a gentle woman, cultivated but especially generous since she donated some of her jewelry to other women of the Prophet. Afterwards first name Safia has spread and should be more and more awarded in 2013

Safia is a devoted and thoughtful young woman. In her personal and professional life, she is very generous with the people around her.

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