April 26, 2024

The girl's first name of the day: Lucie

In the 1910s, Lucie is no longer popular but this first name returns in force a century later. Today, Lucie has reappeared in Spain, Wallonia and Romandie. And this first name continues to grow in Germany, Australia and England. Lucie is the thirteenth first name feminine most awarded in France since the beginning of this 21st century. Who are these little girls?

Children, they are alive, demonstrative, affectionate and very, very attached to their family who can have a strong influence on the personality of these children. Indeed, they can be responsible, autonomous and enterprising when harmony reigns within the family universe. On the other hand, a little unloved and misunderstood Lucie will be able to oppose and rebel.

Women, on the other hand, are sociable and move about in this world with ease. Charming, spontaneous, refined, they like to please. However, we must be wary because the Lucie are capable of the worst (passion, excess ...) as the best (kindness, enthusiasm ...).

Lucie are independent women who do not like constraints. Passionate and enthusiastic, they are attracted by pleasures, adventures and discoveries.

Saint Lucia is the patron saint of electricians and she is often invoked for eye health.

A Day With Lucy! (April 2024)