May 18, 2024

The name of the day: Chandra

Origin of name Chandra
The first name Chandra comes from Sanskrit, the sacred language of India and means "moon". This first name Very rare is carried by about 100 people in France but has been increasing since 2007.

History of the first name
In the Vedic tradition (sacred books of India written in archaic Sanskrit)., Chandra is the name of the ancient god of the moon nicknamed the luminous. Through the representations Chandra is dressed in white, with a sweet face. He sits in a lotus, placed on a three-wheeled chariot that is pulled by an antelope or ten white horses. One of his arms is a sign of appeasement, while the other arm is holding the club. This particular gesture would be a symbol of the authority and power of cosmic knowledge and intelligence. In addition, Chandra Namaskar is a posture very practiced in yoga. It allows for greater stretching in the hips, shoulders and tendons and has the role of relieving accumulated tension.

Character of Chandra
Chandra is a persevering young woman who always takes care of what she does. At work it is very organized and efficient. In love Chandra needs to feel safe.

Rama mantrava japiso - World Holy Name Festival | Kirtan by Avinash Chandra Dasa | Day 2 (May 2024)