April 26, 2024

The name of the day: Isabelle

Etymology of firstname Isabelle

The first name Isabelle comes from Hebrew and means "God is oath". This first name is carried by about 353,000 people in France and remains little attributed today. Isabelle is honored on February 22nd.


We find in history Isabelle, the sister of St. Louis who refused to marry the son of the Prussian Emperor Frederick II. She retired to the Poor Clares abbey which she had founded at Longchamp and died in 1270, the same year as her brother. Several queens from England, Spain and France illustrated this first name. Subsequently Isabelle spread throughout Europe, in favor of princely or royal marriages, from the thirteenth century. In France first name Isabelle became very popular from 1960 to 1975 to the point of placing it for fifteen years among the five first names the most awarded. Today, Isabelle remains a first name much appreciated.


Isabelle is a young diplomat woman. In her professional life, she shows sociability and likes to make decisions. In her personal life, the young woman enjoys taking care of her family and friends.

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