April 26, 2024

The name of the day: Renaud

Etymology of firstname Renaud
The first name Renaud, who can be written in different ways, such as Renault, or with an ending in o, comes from the Germanic "ragin" the council, and "wald" the governor. It means: "who advises with wisdom. first name is carried by about 23,000 people in France and still a little bit awarded. Renaud is honored on September 17th.

Renaud is a first name which goes back to the Middle Ages. Indeed in France it was illustrated by Renaud de Montauban, who was one of the four sons of Aymon de Dordogne. Aymon belonged to a famous lineage of great vassals of the emperor Charlemagne. Very close to the emperor, Renaud de Montauban became the enemy of Charlemagne after some quarrels. The young man will become in the twelfth century the hero of a poem. We also find Saint Renaud who was a monk and a hermit of the eleventh century. This first name continued to be attributed over the centuries without ever slipping away.

Character of Renaud
Renaud is a young man open-minded and resolute. At work he is very dynamic but he also knows how to relax and dream. In love, he is rigorous on principles but his generosity and his tenderness make him a whole man.


Mike Renaud - Reality Of Today (Studio Version) (April 2024)