May 17, 2024

The Signal bus welcomes children to a recreation center on the Route du Sourire

After Saint Brévin the Ocean, Les Sables d'Olonne, La Rochelle or Biscarosse, the bus with the colors of the brand Signal has now moved closer to the Mediterranean coast, in the Banyuls area more exactly. On the program: raising awareness of children, their parents and even their grandparentshygiene Oral. Or how to know everything in order to brush your teeth and have white teeth!
If you participate in family, you can also come between friends to learn while having fun. On the Signal bus, for example, we met a group of children from a nearby center. Accompanied by their animators, the young have made great discoveries and especially, yes especially, met Signaline. Signaline is Signal's mouse mascot and is also a little idol of children. The proof according to Maëlys: "Signaline, I post it in my schoolAs for Adrien, a little budding detective, determined to unravel the mystery of the little mouse, he is categorical: "Signaline is the mouse looking for the baby teeth". And if it was true ?
Inside the bus, we play, we quizze, we learn, and often, we want more. "I already came last year and I find it really good"says Eloise, with a big smile," the kids have an endless curiosity and that's kind of reassuring, and since the Signal bus is not just for the youngest, we can trust Leo's advice, the strong animator of the children: "children love games and it's good that they learn while having fun"Like what, who said you could not learn happily during the holidays, anyway, on the Smile Route, everyone is happy!

This Is Everything: Gigi Gorgeous (May 2024)