May 1, 2024

The ten people who do not want good to your couple

Mother-in-law and her countdown: Because she has not digested that you steal her cherub, her baby adored, she puts you constantly sticks in the wheels, while showing a kindness of facade. By first becoming very present in your daily life (she kept the keys of the flat of Chéri and arrives without warning). And by continually distilling little pernicious sentences, style "I think you're really not ready" when you talk about marriage or baby or "I've never felt Juju as nervous as right now" (under heard since he is with us). Concentrated venom that can do damage to your man's head.

The next door neighbor who hangs out: Yes, she is nice, Madame Escoffier of the 4th right. Always OK to give milk or lend a hammer. But his habit of listening to doors tends to break the spontaneity of your exchanges, particularly carnal, with Juju.

Cherie's hot pot of glue: He did not fully understand that Juju was now cased. So, it seems as if nothing was wrong and you can get whole nights on your couch, beer in one hand and L'Equipe in the other ...

Your girlfriend jettisoned chronic:
It's not his fault, Eloise has a bad luck with the boys. Nevertheless, the fact that she disembarks twice a week crying in your lap seriously begins to seriously weigh on the nerves of Juju. And on the health of your couple.

Your respective Big Boss: Because they expect you almost permanent availability and bother you in less favorable times (lunch in tete-a-tete, feverish hugs), they also contribute to undermine your dear intimacy!

His ex who did not recover from the break: She is sure, Juju is the man of her life. What she tries to persuade him to by flooding it with jabs, text messages and burning emails. A constant source of arguments between you and him ...

Your ex whom you idealize:
Certainly, Edward, with his meter ninety, his shoulders rugby and encyclopedic culture, is not easily forgotten ... But Juju seriously takes the fly by dint of hearing about it. If you're not a kamikaze, put Edouard in the dawn!

His old possessive cat: Like Mother-in-law, he has not admitted either that his "Juju" becomes yours. So, it makes you pay for scratches and drops of pee strategically placed on your pillow.

Nikos, Denis, Karine and the others
: The stars that populate the small screen tend to monopolize your days. As long as you do not spend doing activities, sometimes much more exciting, with your darling.

You yourself: Because you freak at the slightest argument between him and you, tend to consider the glass half empty rather than half full, it is sometimes you who do not help your couple to move forward. So adopt the "positive think"!

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