May 5, 2024

The very special envoy: meeting with Bar Refaeli at Passionata lingerie show

Last night, Bar Refaeli and his model girlfriends were giving an ultra sexy show in honor of the new collection of lingerie Passionata. It is in Chanel's premises, in the Cambon area, where the brand's fashion shows normally take place, that Passionata gave a party under the sign of glamor.

Pleasing to the game, Leonardo di Caprio's fiancée played Brigitte Bardot for a day. In the program of this collection under the sign of the Parisienne, there are crepières, caracos, boxers and bustiers in shades of powdery red, midnight blue, mauve, purple and raspberry, not to mention the inevitable intense black and scarlet red.

And if the top Model answered the journalists' questions, no offense to these gentlemen, she did not personally present the models of the collection ... Small consolation however for our comrade and 50 minutes inside, Christophe Beaugrand, who had his kiss! What a good evening!

As for the people, Adeline Blondieau back from La Ferme, Séverine Ferrer and Vincent Mc Doom was part of the party!

BAR REFAELI - WikiVidi Documentary (May 2024)