April 26, 2024

What are you doing to protect the planet?

Alexandre, 6 years and a half
"I do not throw papers by Earth ! "

Abelin, 4 years and a half
"I put dirty things in the trash, and I drink fromwater to stay alive. "

Marion, 7 years old
"I never throw papers by Earth. I'm not wasting thewater when I brush my teeth because I stop the tap. And I do not tear the leaves and branches of the trees and I do not pick the flowers in the parks. "

Edo, 4 years old
"I'm going to take a rocket."

Coline, 6 years
"I do not mess withwater of the Earth and I stop the tap to wash my hands. And I do not leave the candy papers by Earth. Then I do not leave the light on. "

Robin, 8 years old
"I pick up my papers by Earth and I bring the blue caps to school. "

Alix, 10 years old
"I put my papers in the trash."

Clarisse, 7 years and a half
"I pay attention to thewater. "

Mathilde, 6 years old
"I plant flowers to make more beautiful the Earth. "

Victor, 4 years and a half
"I send love inwater. "

François, 9 years old
"I avoid polluting the Earth "

Cassandre, 4 years and a half
"I put glitter in life."

Sarah, 11 years old
"To protect my planet I throw all my papers in the bin not outside, so I do not pollute nature."

Gabriel, 9 years old
"I do not pollute, I respect nature and I do not waste itwater. "

What Can You Do RIGHT NOW To Save The Earth? (April 2024)