May 5, 2024

What menu if I play sports in the morning?

The opinion of the nutritionist
When doing sport early, there are two options: to train on an empty stomach or to sport after breakfast. The first option is quite possible when one is used to it. I would advise however beginners. If one chooses to do one's exercises on an empty stomach, one thinks at the dinner of the day before to consume more cereals (approximately ¼ more) to build up a stock of glycogen (the latter being a form of sugar stored in the muscles and the liver that the body releases during the effort) important enough to have energy throughout our session. If one prefers to have breakfast first, one opts for a light formula: a fruit, preferably a banana (for the presence of starch in this fruit), with its coffee. It must be easy to digest so that it does not weigh on the stomach during the session.
But whichever option you prefer, when you're done, you have to eat a bigger snack. We therefore include in our usual breakfast a portion of protein. With our bread or our morning cereals, we will eat an egg or a slice of ham or a fromage blanc or a yogurt with goat or sheep's milk.
* Thanks to Corinne Peirano, dietician-nutritionist in private practice, //

Exercise vs Diet (May 2024)