May 5, 2024

What sport for me: the stress

Between the job where you always have to be at the top and the family life where, you have to admit it, you still take care of most of the tasks, you are a bit on the teeth. For the moment, you are doing some good, but you are a huge nerve ball that may explode at any time. It is high time to say stop and take care of yourself a little to evacuate this stress that accumulates. To find a little calm and serenity, we start sport, ideal way to release pressure and let off steam. Here are some tips for choosing your activity ... without stress.
The opinion of the coach: When we think about the choices of a sport to help us get rid of our stress, we often think of gyms showers. Yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Gong can actually relax, their practice resulting in relaxation. But if it is a real stress, it is also necessary that there is release, otherwise we will mark physically with including the appearance of pain. Before age 50, there must be psychological and physical expenditure. We can therefore combine yoga sessions with boxing classes. On the other hand, after 50 years, we can first look for psychological relaxation.
We also choose sports groups that allow you to work for others and feel valued. If we are rather extroverted, we opt for group lessons where we can put ourselves forward and go for the challenge to show what we are capable of. Rather introverted? We choose sports as a team, like volleyball, where we have less responsibility and who will build confidence.
* Thanks to Shamsi, coach at the Lady fitness from Lyon 3.

How Anxiety and Stress Affect Your Game | Ohio State Sports Medicine (May 2024)