May 1, 2024

Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Qong: the benefits of martial arts

Historically, the most popular martial arts are judo, karate, but in recent years, the public interest turns to martial arts of another style: yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Qong are disciplines which tend towards the harmony of the body and the spirit.

Yoga is the most fashionable sport of the last 20 years. There are several variants of yoga, this millennial discipline born in India, where different postures test your flexibility while seeking your physical strength.

Yoga promotes relaxation and physical well-being. The advantage is that anyone can practice it, regardless of age. Yoga helps to stay healthy and improves physical condition.

Originally from China, Tai Chi means "shadow boxing", because the adept fights against an invisible adversary. It is considered a health gymnastics which aims at the blooming of the spirit and the accomplishment of oneself. The slowness of the movements executed does not require any major effort. Tai Chi is a way of life that preserves its health capital.

In China, Qi Qong means "breath" and "work". He is inspired by three philosophical currents: Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Qi Gong aims to harmonize the mind and body, with specific postures and movements, while working the breath, to circulate energy throughout the body. Qi Qong promotes muscle flexibility and protects the joints. It brings above all serenity and welfare, while preventing certain cardiovascular diseases, insomnia, back pain, hypertension, asthma ...
Our advice
To better know these disciplines and choose the one that suits you best, get closer to the French yoga federations, Tai Chi or Qi Qong ...

Tai Chi and Qi Gong [All 5 Chapters] (May 2024)