April 27, 2024

Younger thanks to antioxidants!

Antioxidants, kesako?

Day after day, our skin is damaged, wrinkles are formed, the skin loses its flexibility. The fault with free radicals, responsible for the aging of the skin. Fortunately, there is an antidote: antioxidants. They allow to protect against the toxic effects of free radicals that attack our body in general and the skin in particular, explains Michel Brack, specialist in antioxidants and researcher at INSERM.

My anti-aging menu

And if our organism produces some, we also find some on our plates! Serge Rafal, author of Antioxidant diet, (Marabout editions) recommends eating two fruits a day, including a citrus fruit, two to three servings of vegetables and three dairy products. He also advises to vary the fat by focusing on vegetable fatty acids (rapeseed oil, olive oil), to eat fish - preferably fatty like salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines.

A varied and balanced diet, rich in fruits and vegetables (especially the most colorful), provides the body with its antioxidant ration. However, this is not always enough explains Michel Brack in his book, "The revolution of antioxidants", especially for the elderly, people with diet or deficient. Taking food supplements can then supplement the supply of nutrients that the skin needs.

And food supplements?

5 fruits and vegetables a day ... we all heard this prescription from the Ministry of Health, easier to say, than to stick to. And for women, whose daily caloric intake is often less than 2000 kcal / day, the risk of deficiency is even greater. So, it can be helpful to nourish your skin from the inside, especially after age 40, when cell renewal begins to slow down.

Indeed, if it is essential to nourish the skin from the outside by applying a moisturizer daily, the food supplements can be part of a more global strategy, in addition to cosmetics and a quality lifestyle.

The expert's point of view

The doctor Michel Brack, author of the Revolution of antioxidants and founder of a center dedicated to antioxidants (www.cisso.info) suggests to his patients to take a cocktail of antioxidants 2 or 3 times a year ... Beforehand, he explains that a personalized assessment of oxidative stress is necessary to avoid overdoses and meet the needs of everyone.

Another advice: he recommends to choose a multi-vitamin treatment in cure of 20 days, the important thing being never to take a single molecule, which would be more dangerous than beneficial. On the other hand, for those who wish to take extended treatment, it is important to be followed by a professional.

Warning It is worth remembering that no supplement can replace a balanced diet. Finally some nutrients consumed in excess can be dangerous, it is the case of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, fluorine, vitamins pf, B6, B9, C, A, D.

WANT MORE ANTIOXIDANTS? (5 easy ways to boost your antioxidant intake) ???? (April 2024)