May 6, 2024

A simultaneous global Orgasme for a good cause

Here is a good reason to have fun. The third edition of the "Orgasm simultaneous global "or Global Orgasm will take place Sunday, December 21 at 13:04 precise in France.The purpose of this international pleasure is to promote peace in the world, it is organized by pacifists Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffell.

The time of the event, 6:08 am (UTC) is the exact time of the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, and therefore the longest night of the year. The objective of the operation, to which everyone is invited to contribute, is to concentrate "a strong biological, mental and spiritual energy" on the Earth, to modify "the energy field". No it's not a sect or a neo-hippie movement, it's a way to encouragelove, peace and harmony on Earth. Well, we grant you, it's not going to stop the wars, but to make thelove for the good cause, it's always nice.

The event is scientifically justified, thanks to the research of the Global Consciousness Project, conducted at Princeton University. It is primarily intended for people in countries with weapons of mass destruction, as well as those where "violence is more often used than dialogue".

The organizers warn participants, however, that they do not want this moment of shared pleasure to result in more births worldwide, "because overcrowding is a major cause of unrest" in the world . So according to the official website, we can all participate, but be careful to protect yourself! How funny are these pacifists. As if celebrating thelove we were going to lose our heads ... Peace and Love.

For more info:

An Orgasm a Day Could Help You Live Longer...No, Seriously (Part 2 of 3) (May 2024)