April 29, 2024

All about the hospitalization of the child

How to reassure your hospitalized child?

The first thing to do is to inform thechild what will happen to the extent possible. This is the best way to reassure him and avoid unnecessary stress during hospitalization. He must not find out at the last minute when you take him, or even once there. This could trigger a crisis of crying or panic due to misunderstanding of the situation in which he finds himself. Do not hesitate to explain the situation, and why not through a story you have invented or through a book for child on the subject you have taken care to procure. You must take the lead and explain with your words and a fairly simple vocabulary how will unfold his hospitalization. It must be explained to him that he will not be alone, since you, a member of the family or the nursing staff will be with him for the duration of his hospitalization.

Prepare for your child's hospital stay

To prepare for the hospital stay of thechild, the parents must, after having explained the situation to him, prepare his suitcase. His comforter, the toys with which he likes to have fun, the books he likes to be read, his favorite pajamas and why not his night light or the posters in his room in the case of a long stay, are so many attentions that will reassure him. Even if he'child is aware not to be at home, everything that reminds him of his room and his home are assets to avoid that he feels alone or too far from the family home. Once there, and as far as possible, the parents can reproduce rituals that are established at home: story before sleep, song, hugs, games ... Everything must be planned so that children hospitalized people feel in a place where they can be confident.

Prepare a child's return home after hospitalization

To prepare for the return home of a child who has just been hospitalized, parents must preventchild the date of return to the home, only if it is safe and definitive. Why not organize a small party, depending on his age and state of tiredness, with his friends? Or just with the family members who will want to see him? Or even prepare his favorite meal, put him his favorite DVD and stay tenderly with him. The return home must be done in a calm, children must recover after their hospitalization the environment they know and that reassures them.

Helping a child cope with a long hospitalization (April 2024)