May 6, 2024

Beef tartare with herbs and Mesclun salad

Cooking recipe : Tartar of beef with herbs and salad Mesclun for 4 people.

Preparation: 15 minutes

600 g of lodging with walnut
8 quail eggs
4 big handfuls of mesclun
2 small fresh onions
2 cloves garlic
3 branches of tarragon
1 bunch of parsley
The juice of a lime
3 c. capers
1 C. Dijon mustard
1 C. Worcestershire sauce
10 cl light cream
2 tbsp. tablespoon of olive oil
Salt and pepper

Separate the capers, onions, remaining garlic and the washed and dried herbs separately and divide into ramekins.

Cut the meat in tartar with a knife meat well sharpened and season with Worcestershire sauce.

Arrange the meat in the plates of presentation by giving it the shape of a nest, in the center of which to lay two eggs of quail. Mix oil and light cream, add mustard and a clove of minced garlic and whisk with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Season the mesclun with this sauce.

Serve it tartar accompanied by his condiments and mesclun.

Enjoy your meal !

Skirt Steak & Salad Recipe by Eric Ripert | On The Table Recipes | Reserve Channel (May 2024)