June 26, 2024

Christmas menu: how to cook chestnuts?

Raw, the chestnut blends in salads, thin strips, curly, endive, dried fruit and fresh fruit. Cooked, it is delicious in soups, in meat, fish, game or poultry, in creams, desserts, pastries. Its flour is used in bread and pancakes.

To peel the chestnutsthey must be immersed in boiling water for 3 to 4 minutes. Remove the bark and skin. They can go easily under the pressure of the fingers.
The chestnuts grilled must be incised circularly by notching both the bark and the skin. Place them in a covered pan and then on a wood fire. Make them jump often. After about 25 minutes, the skin is undone. They are ready to be peeled and eaten. Accompanied by a mulled wine, they can even be a warm appetizer, but rather burly.
Mashed potatoes chestnuts is a treat for children (and adults too). Incise a kilo of chestnuts and put them to bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees. Peel them when they are very hot. Wear them chestnuts boil in 50 cl of chicken broth. Cover, lower the heat and cook for 20 minutes. Drain your chestnuts. Wash and chop 3 tender celery stalks. Let them steam for 10 minutes with 20 g of butter. Pass them chestnuts at the vegetable mill and place the puree in a saucepan with 30 g of butter. Heat gently by adding celery. Add to finish 10 cl cream, salt and pepper.
Our advice:
What is the difference between a brown and a chestnut ? Both come from chestnut, brown comes from a variety of improved tree and its bug contains only one fruit. chestnuts or chestnuts, choose fruits whose appearance is brilliant and the bark not perforated, well attached to the fruit.

Christmas Dinner Recipe: Brussel Sprouts with Chestnuts (June 2024)