May 18, 2024

Divorce mother: how to manage the new relationship with her children?

Divorce is as difficult for parents as it is for children. For a mother, it is not easy to manage this new life, a time of adaptation is necessary to find its bearings.

Family life necessarily changes: a new, smaller house, an absent father ... When children are young, they can feel guilty and feel responsible for this separation, so it's important to explain to them why daddy is not at home and to make them feel guilty, it is important that they feel loved by both parents.

It is also necessary to allow your children to externalize their feelings : anger, sorrow, fear ... Encourage them to express themselves, they will overcome this test more easily.

We must reassure them about their emotional and material environment because all their bearings are turned upside down. The ideal is that both parents, before the separation, have a discussion, together, open heart with the children by explaining to them point by point what will not change with the separation of mum and dad and who will be upset in their new life.

After a separation, it is sometimes difficult for a woman to find enough energy to continue her life normally, especially if her companion left her. You have to have a "concrete" organization between work, shopping, cleaning and of course homework, appointments with the doctor or with the teachers of the children ...

The most important thing is to maintain morale after going beyond practical and material problems. The best is to make your separation a success and admit the failure of your union for the well-being of children.
Our advice
Divorce can be very traumatic for children; so that they can keep some benchmarks, try, as far as possible, to stay in the house or apartment where they grew up, this can minimize the emotional shock.

Getting a Divorce with Kids: What Parents Need to Know (May 2024)