June 30, 2024

Eat light at the restaurant: thwart the traps of the brewery

The ideal menu

Starter, main course and dessert for only 12 euros, why deprive yourself? By taking a formula, we are convinced to do something, but we also force ourselves to eat more. On the contrary, it is better to choose a unique dish such as grilled meat or fish, accompanied by rice with green beans or boiled potatoes with steamed carrots.
To help you choose the most suitable dish, do not hesitate to ask the server for advice. How is the meat cooked? With which accompaniment is it served? To keep the line, ask him also to present the sauce separately.
Want a dessert? Choose a fruit salad, a cottage cheese, a piece of custard or a ball of sorbet. And do not crack every day, this little pleasure must remain exceptional.

In addition, in business lunches, it is often a good idea to start the meal with a cocktail or an aperitif. Prefer sparkling water with a slice of lemon to a glass of alcohol or too sweet fruit juice.

The opinion of the nutritionist:
"In a brewery, what you have to watch are the portions to see how you are going to be served. If the plate is too hearty, do not force yourself to finish his dish especially as the portions are usually very important.
A well balanced dish should consist of starchy foods, raw vegetables or cooked vegetables and a protein intake. The croque monsieur, even if it contains starchy foods and proteins, is quite rich in fat and the bread is not necessarily good quality. As a result, we are hungry in the afternoon. "

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