April 30, 2024

How to wear the leather skirt with class?

To make your skirt leather dress classically and become a classic in your wardrobe, you must consider several criteria before cracking and emptying your wallet.

The quality of the leather is essential to store your skirt in the "classy" clothing. Here, do not skimp and you must invest in a leather plunged lamb, noble material with a soft and supple appearance, comfortable to wear and which does not deform with use. The only drawback, its price.

Your silhouette is the second criterion to take into account, to wear a skirt in leather with elegance. The leather marry the body and, if it is not useful to have a perfect body, it is better to have a marked size and legs that can be highlighted.

Mini or just short, the skirt? So mini, yes for the juvenile silhouettes, irreproachable and under 35 years. In this case, you will wear it on opaque tights or leggings, with structured tops or with men's shirts on top. For others, the majority of us, do not panic. Worn high above the knee, the skirt leather is very classy with structured pumps and blouses.

The cut and the color of your skirt can suddenly rock it into vulgarity. For the cut, no skirt that bulls and mold or bright red. The shape should be classic, straight or slightly trapezoidal, depending on your figure, marked at the waist with pliers for a nice line. A black skirt is one of the timeless classics, more flattering for the silhouette; the Italians, kings of leather, offer you beautiful shades, always classy, ​​in the fashion of the moment. It's more original, but you may get bored.

What to wear with your skirt leather ? Blouses or blouses of silk, small sweaters thin and soft in wool of quality, integrating cashmere or silk, marry well with a beautiful leather. The fabric can be flexible, but the cut flawless. For a businesswoman look, adopt a classic blouse, short, to wear over.

Classic pumps will be classy for your skirt. On the other hand, avoid waders or heels that are too high, quickly vulgar and even boots, whose quality of leather will be difficult to match that of your skirt.
Our advice:
Banish the fake forever leather, skai type, much more fragile than the leather, as well as pressures, nails or zips apparent, Gothic way.

The cheat's guide to ironing silk, cashmere and faux leather | Wardrobe Stories | Fashion (April 2024)