June 26, 2024

I want tapered legs: best-of tips

Refine your legs

Feet against each other, keep your back straight and put your hands on the edge of the pool. Then raise the leg sideways and make large circles in a clockwise direction, then move the movement in the opposite direction, always staying upright. Then change your leg and do not hesitate to repeat the exercise several times.

Refine voss legs ... bis?

Always with your feet together and your back straight, put your hands on the edge of the swimming pool. Raise and extend the leg laterally. Rest it then raise it again and stretch your leg in front of you. Finally, 3rd movement, raise your leg behind you. Do not forget to do this exercise with the other leg. For this sequence to be beneficial, make 15 complete movements with each leg.

Stretch your thighs

To stretch the thighs properly, place your feet next to each other near the edge of the pelvis. Raise a leg and put your foot as high as possible on the wall of the swimming pool. Stretching your leg, inhale. Then, on the expiration, move closer to the wall a few inches and try to lift a little leg a little. Change your leg gently and stay positioned for at least 30 seconds each time you make the move.

Refine your ankles

With your feet together, stand on the point and rest your feet on the ground. One can also realize this movement the feet in first position as the dancers. The heels are glued together and the feet are spread apart. Then perform 30 moves in a row.

29 - How to make a Tapering Jig in an hour (for little money) (June 2024)