June 23, 2024

Intimacy: answers to your most secret questions

Can we have urinary leakage while playing sports?
Indeed, some sports such as volleyball, handball, trampoline, jogging ... can lead to stress incontinence. But beware, it is not the sport that is the cause of the urinary leak, he reveals it. The real cause is that the muscles of the perineum and sphincter are not good enough. Sport does not muscle the perineum, it solicits it.

Is it then recommended to do abdominals for the muscles?
All abs are not good for the perineum. Avoid movements where you inflate your stomach such as pedaling or scissors. Good abdominal exercises are done by digging the belly on the time of expiration, when the muscles are in maximum shortening.

Is it bad for the perineum to go to the bathroom often?
It is important to take good habits in order to avoid small inconveniences in theprivacy : do not push while urinating, do not hold back too long and conversely do not go to the toilet by "precaution" at the risk of not getting used to your bladder to fill up and wait for the right moment to go there.

Should perineal pelvic rehabilitation be systematically practiced after childbirth?
This is preferable because the perineum is really manhandled at the time of expulsion of the baby. Rehabilitation includes both exercises for the perineum and belly, and sessions are held at a physiotherapist.

Can we use pantiliners everyday?
No, you have to avoid it better. Indeed the panty liner absorbs natural vulvar moisture, which is not good and ended up causing drought.

What do we mean by "false mycosis"?
The women complains of tingling, scratching, irritation, she then believes to have a mycosis. In many cases, this is what might be called vulvar discomfort due to a lack of hydration in this normally humid area caused by the excessive wearing of panty liners, the use of highly corrosive toiletries. .. This is a problem that appears regardless of the age of the women.

Can this vulvar dryness cause sexual problems?
Absolutely, this dryness can be at the origin of pains during the sexual act. It happens that for fear of seeing these pains appear certain women refuse to make love, thus putting doubt in their partner's mind about their desire for him. They then settle in a kind of vicious circle.

It is often said that a woman suffers from lack of lubrication at the time of menopause, is that right?
It is vaginal hydration that is less important at this time of life women which gives that impression. But the lubrication that occurs during the excitement remains the same from the moment when there is sexual desire.
Note that it is difficult for all women to maintain good lubrication throughout the sexual act.

Can the pill change vaginal lubrication?
It depends on women. The vaginal humidity depends on the estrogen hormones present in the pill. Also, pills low doses of estrogen can cause a drought felt daily, which sometimes also hinders sexual relations. In this case, do not hesitate to talk to your doctor to find a better adapted contraception.

How to cure a problem of hydration and vaginal dryness?
At first it is imperative to observe a good personal hygiene and to encourage your partner to make the preliminaries last to increase sexual arousal. It is also advisable to use a lubricating and moisturizing gel, the time to solve this problem passenger. There are today no hormones, over-the-counter, which can be applied either before sex or daily to ensure comfort.

Thanks to the doctors: Laurence Peyrat, urologist at the Tenon Hospital in Paris, Catherine Solano, sexologist at the Cochin hospital in Paris and Sylvain Mimoun, gynecologist and psychosomatician at the Cochin hospital in Paris.

For more info on urinary problems.
Discover Dr. Solano's website dedicated to sexual breakdowns
Discover the first site that offers a mail and SMS alerts service to never forget his pill.

Hard Questions For a Mother to Answer | {THE AND} Angelina & Melitza (June 2024)