April 29, 2024

Kidnapping alert: we found Mel C of Spice Girls!

10 years ago and wheelbarrows, Mel C and his girlfriends Spice Girls were at the top of their glory. And while Victoria Beckham called Posh Spice played ultra-fashionable snobbish, Mel C cultivated a sporty look in fluo jogging and converse assorted.

15 years later, Victoria Beckham No longer singing (to the delight of our eardrums) but she has confirmed her taste for fashion. Stylist of his own brand baptized in all modesty Victoria BeckhamMs. Beckham has seduced fashion designers and people and established herself in a very critical environment for newcomers. Lindsay Lohan knows something ...

Ironically, it's in Victoria Beckham that Mel C alias Melanie Chisholm returns to the front of the stage. Calling the stiletto heel to his girlfriend, this express makeover has something to surprise!

MEET THE LADY WHO HIT MY $300,000 TRUCK! (April 2024)