June 26, 2024

La galette-saucisse, THE gourmet specialty of Rennes

Americans just have to stand. Because if street food New Yorkers have nothing to learn from their famous bagels, Bretons, they are not left with their slab-sausage, the "hot dog" made in Roazhon ( Rennes in Breton). Consisting of a grilled sausage barbecue and wrapped in a wafer fresh (sometimes two), this local snacking is a tradition of the Rennes region. No party, market (the Lices, obviously) and especially no football match without his stand of cakes-sausages.

Where and how is it tasted?
The best way to enjoy an authentic and delicious pancake-sausage is to go to the market Lices (Place des Lices, every Saturday morning) or join the great popular gatherings (sports, music ...) Rennes. While walking Lorient road game night, you can not go wrong: thirty street vendors offer. Without quality being deplorable.

To what do we recognize a good slab-sausage?
In an interview given to Ouest France in January 2012, Xavier Taheulle, president of SGSB (Association of Saving of the Galette-saucisse Breton), answered: "The waferif it is well cooked, stain your fingers. The sausage must not be greasy or calcined.

Here is besides the charter of the 10 commandments published by the SGSB:
I - Sausage, less than 120 gr, you will not
II - Point of mustard, you will not put
III - Grasse, never, you will not be
IV - At Stade Rennais you will excel
V - At 2 hands and at any time, we will eat you
VI - A glass of cider, will accompany you
VII - Maximum 2 Euros, you will cost
VIII - Service, smile, you'll have them
IX - Perfectly we will grill you
X - In Rennes, this charter, we will respect

The Talented Mr. Wonderful: Fuck, That's Delicious (Episode 6) (June 2024)