June 26, 2024

Leila Bekhti VS Jenifer: brunette power around Eva Longoria

Leila Bekhti had just escaped the 65th Cannes Film Festival while Jenifer relax quietly from his role as a coach in The Voice. These queens of the artistic-glittery news also answered present when it came to charity. Indeed, this weekend was held in Paris a charity gala co-led by the Desperate Housewife Eva Longoria and the happy césarisé Omar Sy. The Eva Longoria Foundation and Cé Ke du bonheur mobilized beautiful people for philanthropic reasons.

Amongst the celebrities, there were two shocking brunettes, delighted to use their celebrity for a good cause. The latter played the game against the photographers, competing in beauty after a festival period rich in glittery looks and hairstyles maddening. Each her version of the brunette power. For Leila Bekhtiit's the glam rock option that wins: lipstick a powerful red, borsalino and dyed discreetly powdered. Her femme fatale look is dramatized by her black borsalino, an indestructible headgear for it-girls.

For Jenifer, return to the raven black after a passage auburn auburn observed on the trays of The Voice. Always enjoying the short cut, the singer has chosen to surround her pretty face with a sloppy dipping square for a hairstyle more in volume, betting on his eyes to hypnotize the photographs. And it works pretty well ...

L'Oréal Prodigy with Marta Español - Hair by David Delicourt (June 2024)