May 18, 2024

Look ! A Barbie table football at IKKS

The World Cup has been emulated! The clothing brand IKKS decided to make you play football between girls. It's your little one who will be happy! A huge candy pink table football throne since July 12 at the concept store Champs Elysees in Paris.

The Barbie Chloé Ruchon's fantasy football is ideal for having a good time instead of seeing your little girl bored on clothes shelves while you're looking for her little summer dress.

Real dolls Barbie replace the traditional metal players, and the loyal pink of Barbie Welcome to the shop in colors!
A moment of Thu to share between mum and his daughter, or between the little ones. Perfect for introducing girls to girly football!

I go :
IKKS concept store
114 avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris

Clip de présentation IFME (May 2024)