May 18, 2024

Look of the day: Charlotte Gainsbourg

Staying glamorous in the cold, here's a fashion challenge for style squad! And if VIPs like Catherine Zeta-Jones, Kate Moss or Victoria Beckham opt for the fur a tad mum, at, we greatly prefer the style of Charlotte Gainsbourg.

I copy the style of Charlotte Gainsbourg

Not a victim but a fashion icon Charlotte Gainsbourg has built a very personal style, both simple and sharp: jeans, marcel, and pointed boots, Charlotte Gainsbourg has swapped the groveling look of his early debut for a chic androgynous, a masculine-feminine style that take on their account trendy brands like The Kooples who built his strategy on a mixed dressing room for her and him.

In winter, Charlotte chooses the jacket of furbut worn in a relaxed and offbeat way with a big bag, some roots boots and gray jeans. A good idea to remember for who wants to bring out the fur grandma's closet!


Charlotte Gainsbourg - Such A Remarkable Day (Official Live Video) (May 2024)