May 18, 2024

Make his man lose weight: the right diet for him!

It is not easy to follow a diet but how to succeed if, while swallowing our plate of steamed vegetables, darling tasted a huge dish of hamburger and fries. The frustration is then greater and the big or small gap is not far. It is therefore proposed to him to diet with us, with the shocking argument: he, too, has stooped during the winter and if he does not lose his belly and his love handles, not sure that he will succeed in the jersey.
Make a diet as a couple is a real plus to succeed in achieving its goals. We support each other, we prevent ourselves from cracking. We can also banish from the house the most harmful foods for our line to avoid temptations. But be careful, make a diet to two does not mean to do the same dietbecause we do not have the same energy needs. A man needs on average 2200 kcal / day while the woman consumes only 1800. When he is at diethe can not go below 1800 kcal / day while the woman, if she wants to lose weight, will have to settle for 1400 or 1500 kcal / day.
So we define its program thinness individual according to these differences. For example, the man will not be forced to dramatically reduce his food portions, he will just rebalance his diet. Because if men sometimes tend to round up it is because of their poor food hygiene. They eat a lot more than us and at any time, we are low on high protein and fat foods and drink a lot too.

To find the line, they will have to stop nibbling, remove alcohol, pay attention to fried oils, do not reuse but also reduce portions. Also beware of overconsumption of fat: no more deli meats or cheese, the abuse of butter or dishes in sauce. And for cooking oils, prefer vegetables. As for meat, we advise him to opt for white meat, which is less caloric. He is also rediscovered fruits and vegetables which he is not a big fan. And when it has a small hollow, it must not crack for sweet products. No more chocolate bar at 11 o'clock! Finally, he must rethink his breakfast. It should normally bring vitamins, fiber, minerals, slow carbohydrates and proteins. But man too often tends to zap or eat two croissants quickly.
If he associates this balanced diet with a little sport, he will lose his little extra pounds fast enough. But once the goal achieved, we advise darling not to stop his diet brutally, if he does not want to discover the yoyo effect himself. To stabilize his weight, he must reintroduce in small doses and gradually the things he had deprived himself.

Weight Loss For Men Over 40 — Simple & Easy Diet Plan For Men (May 2024)