April 30, 2024

Our advice for the declaration of pregnancy

At the Health Insurance Fund

It must be sent before the end of the third month pregnancy the pink part of the statement of pregnancy previously established by your doctor in order to benefit from the maternity insurance and the payment of daily allowances during the period of legal maternity leave of sixteen weeks minimum if you fulfill certain conditions. We invite you to visit the health insurance website.

Did you know ?

The maternity insurance reimburses seven mandatory prenatal consultations at 100%, eightdelivery, three ultrasounds, hospitalization fees at the time ofdelivery, from the assumption of 100% of your medical expenses from the sixth month of pregnancy.

At the Family Allowance Fund

It must be sent before the end of the third month pregnancy the two blue shutters of the statement of pregnancy.

With regard to the employer ...

There is no legal deadline to prevent it. In contrast, the future mum must inform him of the legal dates of departure and return of the maternity leave and give him a medical certificate attesting to his pregnancy. All these documents must be provided to the personnel department either by hand or by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

It is also preferable to update your vital card to benefit directly from the medical care coverage concerning your pregnancy.