June 26, 2024

PACS: those who are against

Sylvie is a full-fledged forty-year-old, married with two children. When asked about PACS, this pretty blonde has a strong opinion on the issue. For her, even though this new form of union is a popular alternative, it remains a very formal act, far from the institute represented by the wedding.
To his eyes, "not getting married is a choice for many, but I do not see how signing a paper in 5 minutes in front of a judge can be symbolic. "So, this manager of an agency travels, sees in the PACS that"a way to get administrative benefits that leave no room forlove and its symbols ... I find that a bit hypocritical ", She concluded.
The limits of PACS
Symbol of recognition of the couple for many, the PACS still has limits, especially within the homosexual community.
In fact, PACS is often a prior act wedding and therefore rests the question of wedding homosexual.

Why do not homosexuals have the same choices as heterosexuals?
"Instead of changing and improving cohabitation, they have invented a new concept, which makes it a kind of under contract ", Judge Matthias.

Homosexual engaged, for him, "the Pacs had the effect of causing the release of a certain gay and lesbian activism ".
A situation that the young man regrets bitterly, and for whom the success of PACS remains a lie ...

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