April 30, 2024

Pregnancy and work: what do you need to know?

Should you announce your pregnancy to your employer?
Nothing obliges a woman pregnant do it. It is better to announce it, as of the third month. Why ? A woman pregnant enjoys a specific status under the law, it can enjoy benefits (leave for exams, maternity leave ...).

How to announce it? Privilege the writing, by sending a letter in acknowledgment of receipt to the employer, which stipulates the date of delivery with a medical certificate. A "work-pregnancy" card will be given to your employer, it is included in the maternity card.

They are only tolerated in the context of mandatory medical appointments related to the follow-up of pregnancy. These absences do not entail any loss of salary, they are assimilated to periods of actual work.
The arrangement of working time is not an obligation. Some collective agreements and company agreements provide for them.

Dismissal and resignation
A woman pregnant can not be dismissed when the pregnancy has been medically noted. This protection extends until the fourth week after returning to work. However, two reasons may authorize an employer to proceed: economic dismissal, serious misconduct of the employee unrelated to the pregnancy.
It is possible to terminate your employment contract without having to respect a notice period or to pay the severance pay of your contract in case of resignation.

Maternity leave
The dates of maternity leave vary according to the number of dependent children and the number of children expected.
For a first or second pregnancythe mother is entitled to six weeks' leave before the birth of the baby (prenatal leave), and ten weeks after childbirth (postnatal leave). Prenatal duration is extended from twelve weeks for twins to twenty-four weeks for triplets. The duration of postnatal leave is also twenty-two weeks longer in both cases.
If the employee pregnant already has two dependent children, or born two viable children, the total maternity leave will be 26 weeks (8 weeks before delivery and 18 weeks after).

First Trimester Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know (April 2024)