April 29, 2024

Robert Pattinson: The trendy fat-haired kid on the move

The skinny people were worried about the return of the tendency to the male bodybuilder (related to that of superheroes of all kinds). That they are reassured: there remains a real niche in the attitude to the Robert Pattinson, a mixture of fragile (not to say sickly) and mutinous charm.

How it works ?
The lifestyle should not be too good. If we do not sleep, if we do not eat exclusively carrots-cucumbers, it is seen on traits always a little drawn, always a little pale. Even when he shines in the best day of his life on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival, Robert does not look so good.
The second major asset is neglected hair or, if there is an attempt to hairstyleit's with a lot, a lot of gel, to mimic the dirty effect!
At the heart of this kindly shaggy look, stands a dreamy and sparkling look, as if the man was perched in stratosphere unattainable for ordinary mortals.

Which disciples?
The striking feature of Robert Pattinson ? His disciples are elders. They, have looked for a moment before stopping on this style, but for his part, the actor of Cosmopolis is adulated since his 20 years hardly. His look adulescent, he has it in his skin.
Robert Pattinson is not quite the tree that hides the forest; it can however be seen as a paragon of a certain trend that Adrien Brody or Michael Fassbender. The latter, soon on the Prometheus poster, has the same sensual and disheveled magnetism. Yum !


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