April 29, 2024

Slimming Tip: Limit food intake to 12h / day to boost metabolism

Californian research results, published in the scientific journal Cell Metabolism, could provide a solution to the growing problem ofobesity.

According to US researchers of the "Salk Institute", limiting its food intake over time, which the study calls "TRF "," Time-restricted feeding ", would prevent various nutritional problems and metabolic disorders, including diabetes type II, hypercholesterolemia or hepatic steatosis.

By observing the evolution in laboratory mice, California researchers have assumed that the time of day we ate was affecting our health and on our weight. The highlights of their study show that it would be good to limit this time of access to food to 9-12 hours, during the active phase. Without talking about caloric restriction.

The advantages of this method would be proportional to the duration of the fast. Thus, the body would be better able to burn calories. The digestive system would be better synchronized and the intestinal bacteria that control the metabolism would be more balanced.
This being the case for gourmands who do not want to deprive themselves during holidays, the meal in love and the meetings of familyScientists announce that a gap can be allowed on weekends.

How to Lose Weight and Get More Energy in 15 Days (April 2024)