May 18, 2024

SOS greasy hair: the right gestures

Good everyday gestures
Taking care of your hair when you are a wonder-woman, it takes time and motivation. But a few actions are enough to alleviate the problem.
Start with a quick massage of the hair in the shower, just before the shampoo, to activate the micro-circulation. To remove leftover shampoo and tone the hair, rinse the tips one last time in cold water. To prevent the hair do not get too wet before blow drying, use a towel and when brushing, avoid the hair dryer too powerful.
The care of grandmothers who have proven themselves
Decidedly, the remedies of grandmothers still have the coast. Our favorite and timeless treatment: the clay mask. Easy to make yourself, by means of green clay powder, a little vinegar and water to make a paste. Leave for 15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. And above all, we do not forget the shampoo behind! Absorbent effect guaranteed.
Essential oils also have the power to regenerate hair and balance the scalp. For the greasy hairessential oils made from lemon, lavandin, cedar, or clove and grapefruit are recommended. Attention, only two or three drops are enough to dilute in the shampoo.
When rinsing, try the vinegar or lemon (a spoonful is enough) to tighten the scales of hair and give shine.

Successful styling

Favor combs with round teeth, not too fine or tight at the risk of over-activating the production of sebum. Note that too often using a comb with tight teeth migrates the sebum to the tips. To avoid: the traumatic blow-dry (with a dry hair pointed at less than 15 cm of the hair, throughout the blow-dry), styling gels, waxes and other styling that accentuate the shining effect, the water at too high a temperature at the time of washing, the masks with repetition (one per week is enough), to apply a care on the roots (to banish definitively!)