May 18, 2024

Successful diet: eat grain vegetables!

Eating grain legumes is good for your health but also for weight loss. Who says legumes says beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, beans, soybeans ... A recent study conducted by researchers from American and Canadian universities was just presented on February 7 and the results show that the consumption of legumes helps to lose weight . Indeed, this type of vegetables Grain provides a feeling of fullness and therefore the stomach feels less quickly feeling hungry.
Legumes are full of many virtues. First, eat this type of vegetables Regularly helps to maintain good general health. That's not all. The same study shows that eating vegetables Grain can help fight heart disease but also obesity and diabetes. "The beans, lenses and others vegetables grains have huge potential for cholesterol reduction, cardiovascular disease control, insulin management and intestinal protectionsaid Peter Watts, director of innovation at Pulse Canada.

Eating legumes regularly would reduce serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels, which are two major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. In addition, the study shows a close link between the consumption of vegetables grain and better health of the arteries as well as a reduction in blood pressure. You have understood, there is no mystery: to be healthy and pay attention to your weight, eat vegetables grain!

Keto Cooking: Keto Food List (May 2024)