June 26, 2024

The benefits of orange blossom

Since ever, orange blossom has been used to promote relaxation and relieve fatigue. The Arabs were the first to discover its qualities because it grows on the bigaradier, very widespread in North Africa, a thorny shrub whose white flowers have a perfume very sweet and pleasant. In ancient times, orange blossom was a symbol of purity and adorned brides' crowns.

When diluted in hot water, it soothes, relaxes and promotes sleep. Thanks to its sedative properties, some mothers use it to calm young infants.

In cosmetics, it is suitable for all skin types and can be used as a toning lotion. Used regularly, it prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

In supermarkets and drugstores, the orange blossom is easily found in all the shops.

In cooking or baking, it delicately perfumes certain dishes: chicken, fish ... It also raises the taste and aroma of many pastries, we tested it in shortbreads, pound cake and pancakes.

In infusion, all parts of the plant can be used: flowers, fruit, bark, leaves. Slightly bitter, it calms young and old and regulates the nervous system.
Orange blossom is also considered an antidepressant. In addition, its concentration of flavonoids, known for their antioxidant action, promotes blood circulation.

In perfumery, the flower and the leaves are distilled to obtain a fragrance very original and very subtle ...
Our advice
Preferably use orange blossom essential oil, very concentrated, it can be used for massage and provide an intense feeling of well-being and appeasement.

Orange Blossom Water: Beauty (and other) Uses! (June 2024)