May 18, 2024

The dangers of the sun: which sun protection to choose?

The choice of a sunscreen product must take into account the type of skin and the exposure conditions (duration and power of the radiation). A simple example: if the exposure is important and the skin is sensitive to the sun, it is imperative that the Sun Protector Factor is higher.

It should be applied in a thick layer, evenly on all parts of the body that are discovered. Do not forget the neck, ears, feet and hands. Remember to renew the application of sunscreen every two hours or more if your child bathes, sweats a lot or wipes with a towel.

The choice of the shape of the product (milk, cream, spray or lotion ...) depends on the surface to be protected and the comfort of application. On the other hand, it is essential to read its labeling which generally informs on the level of protection (4 levels, from low to very high) or the precautions of use ...

If a member of your family has had allergies, it is essential to read the qualitative composition of the product. If in doubt, talk to a pharmacist or doctor.

Remember that a solar product never protects 100%. We will never repeat it enough baby must not be exposed to direct sunlight, especially during the hottest hours. The skin of a child is more fragile than that of an adult.

Good to know :

This type of product does not keep from one year to the next. A small logo usually indicates the number of months that the product can be used once it is started.

Sunscreen | Sun Cream | Best Sunscreen (May 2024)