April 29, 2024

The girl's first name of the day: Léa

Lea is the first first name feminine most attributed in France since the beginning of the 21st century. And we can also estimate that it will be given to a baby out of 80 in 2012.

Who are they ?

When they are still small, Léa are fragile and strongly influenced by their family circle. They want to please. They are curious and therefore unstable. It is difficult to run several hares at a time. These girls, who are generally very talented, need an artistic activity: singing, music or even dance. It would be wise to give them a taste for languages.

Léa, when they become women, are emotional, sensitive, charming, seductive and sensual. Sometimes, they can be superficial and light but they seek to make sense of their lives. Therefore, some may choose the following routes: humanitarian, artistic or politics.

Leaves need new emotions and experiences and they will not be content with routine life. For these women, life must be a theatrical performance. Unfortunately, life does not always look like a play and they will sometimes be disappointed. They have a lively intelligence and they excel in verbal contests.

American Girl: Lea to the Rescue | AG Movie Sneak Peak | American Girl (April 2024)