April 30, 2024

These parents who push their children too much: "You will be a champion, my son"

A healthy body in a healthy mind: the starting point of some uncontrolled slippage. It all starts with simple tennis lessons. Gradually, the child takes taste, progresses and an idea occurs: "And if it was done for that?!". Then come intensive training, competitions every weekend, encouragement and daily sermons from parents, worry for the child to not be up to the task.

These parents who project their dreams on their child

Christine knows this case perfectly: her son, Julien, followed this path full of pitfalls as a child and teenager. Today divorced, Christine tells us that her ex husband "stole" the childhood of his son: "My ex husband was a professional basketball player before converting to finance because of a health problem. this frustration at not having gone to the end of things, not being able to carry out his career as he wished, so he projected all his dreams of greatness on our son, Julien. "

It's not easy for a child to carry such a weight ... What must have been a game, a distraction, turned into daily work: "At twelve, he was already fifteen hours of tennis a week. he was talented, but I did not want it to interfere with school, friends and other activities My ex-husband was never satisfied, he kept pushing Julien all the time he plays more and better, he concentrates, he has the spirit of competition, he imagines professional player later.My son was only twelve years old and he was stressed and worried permanently. He did not want to disappoint anyone and saw no other way out for him than tennis. "

Distress signals

The problem in this situation is that the child does not always dare to express his distress. He does what is asked of him, without complaining, even if he is physically or psychologically exhausted. "When Julien was fourteen years old, when he was losing, his father was in a state of disrepair, I felt that anger was beginning to develop in my son, that the sacrifices he made for tennis were more and more heavy to wear, he led a fairly isolated life, locked himself in, did not have many friends, no time to be interested in girls of his age.

A question of balance

Christine decided to react, to win against her husband for the benefit of her child. "My couple was in bad shape, we could not stop arguing about Julian, I could see he was in pain, but my ex husband was still focused on tennis, I realized that the dialogue was broken, that there was nothing left to do, I asked for a divorce and got custody of Julien, who at the time was 16. He made the choice to stop the tennis and little by little, He is now a married man and a father, and I know he will not make the same mistake as his father. "Ironically, he is now a teacher of sport and the first thing he teaches his students is that the sport must remain a pleasure. "

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