May 18, 2024

Chef François Gagnaire gives us his secrets to be a chef in the kitchen!

Chef at the Hotel du Parc restaurant in Puy-en-Velay, François Gagnaire came to deliver some of its secrets during a course devoted to the gastronomy of his region, the Auvergne, at the cooking school Alain Ducasse. Tips that we have obviously scrupulously retained to deliver them generously! Is there a "better way" to prepare a meal?
François Gagnaire When you want to prepare a meal, you have to start by sitting on a chair, taking the time to think about what you want to prepare for your friends. It is useless to go head down, you must have everything in mind to anticipate well. Then, whether it's recipes to follow or cooking lessons to reproduce, I have one advice: do not do it at home, do as you feel!

Do you have a basic rule in cooking?
Security. It's very important security! Basically, if the board is red, it's because you cut yourself!

A little tip to avoid accidents in the kitchen?
Place a sheet of paper or a damp cloth underneath your cutting board, this will allow it to stall well and so it will not slip. The whole thing is to be well installed, in a good posture. When you cut vegetables, make a sitting, it will be much easier.

That is to say ?
Do not hesitate to carve a little side of your vegetable or your fruit. Then you just stall the vegetable or fruit on this edge, it will be aini more stable to cut.

Is it better to cook with oil or butter?
The oil does not burn very easily, I advise the butter, which must obviously be added sparingly. But it has the added advantage of bringing a beautiful color.

A little advice on cooking times?
Ah, you must always be very careful when cooking. Cooking is not just a recipe or theory, you have to taste what you do, and test without stopping.

And for the weighing of food?
In general, we must rely on the proportions, pastry in particular. One could say that the mathematicians are more generally pastry cooks, and the artists, they are cooks! In pastry for example, it is rarely counted in number of eggs but in grammage, it is a question of precision.

A basic tip for making a good pie?
Avoid over-working the dough, kneading or stretching it in all directions, otherwise it may have too much elasticity and shrink when cooked. When left to rest, it is better not to make a ball too round, but a little flattened.

So much for the chief's advice François Gagnairenow it's up to you to play in the kitchen!

Find all the information about the chef :

Chefs life! 4 minutes in an evening service at Sella Park Country House Hotel (May 2024)