June 29, 2024

The beauty secrets of Nathalie Péchalat, French skater

From 15 to 17 November, the prestigious Bompard Trophy, an international figure skating and dance on ice as part of the ISU Grand Prix.


On the occasion of the gala closing, Sunday, November 18, we had the chance to meet the couple of French skaters from dance on ice Nathalie Péchalat and Fabian Bourzat before their passage on the ice. Presenting the last program, The Little Prince and the Rose, here they got the bronze medal. A good performance for the 2014 Olympic Games, where they will play their last but not least, competition and for which they will present the same program. For a few minutes on the ice, the two young athletes explain that they worked for 6 months, upstream to put everything in place, even before repeating the movements. So long work.


On our side, we took advantage of this beautiful meeting to extract Nathalie's best beauty, fitness and well-being tips that she trains with her partner in Detroit in the United States. That day, she wears a pretty two-tone manicure in sweet pink and coral pop tones. A true girly style. In this respect, she explains to us:to make my nails quietly at home, change the color of varnish regularly, it is a detriment ". We also fall for her neat makeup and her small square curly and wise, true trend of the season and she is looking with ultra-nourishing masks to repair the damage of the cold. No doubt, Nathalie Péchalat is a true beauty addict!


Everyday, between workouts, what is your beauty routine?
"I hydrate myself a lot, drinking a lot of water at first and moisturizing my skin intensely. Whether for the body, hands, face and lips, I chose the Ictyane range of Ducray, which is ideal to protect the skin from the cold of the ice rink [The Ictyane range includes: a light face cream and an emollient version for sensitive skin, a moisturizing body protector and an emollient cream. Outputs in the range this month include a moisturizing lip stick and a hand cream. New products will expand the range in early 2014]. When I go to training, I do not wear makeup, or while remaining very simple: a little blush and mascara and voila!
For my hairI do not have much to do, but I take the time to feed them once a week with Ducray's Nutricerat mask. During competitions, I use a hair straightener to prepare myself. The rest of the time, I do without, just not to attack them too much. "


How do you take care of yourself?
"Once a week, I get deep massage by a professional. This allows me to stay in shape on the ice and limit the risk of hurting myself. "
How do you choose your outfits and stage makeup?
"We choose our skating outfits in collaboration with our costume designer, Marlene Weber, who is based in Lyon. She knows how to marry materials and colors, and knows our morphology well, which allows us to go quickly to the essential, once the chosen theme.
For makeup and hairdressing, I learned the basics with professionals to manage to get by on my own. It is necessary since we are always on the move. Again, I customize according to the theme of the programs and my outfits»
What are your tips for always being in shape?
« Every 2 or 3 days, I take a bath with Epsom bath salts [These salts are obtained from natural minerals from underground deposits. This ancestral remedy is ideal for purifying the body and relieving stressed muscles with a rich magnesium composition.It relaxes me and especially it helps me to recover. When I have a small drop in shape or before going on the track, I have a playlist that is good for morale. »
How much time do you train each day?
"It depends on the times throughout the year. In the summer for example, during editing programs, we can stay up to 6 hours on the ice. But when competitions approach, we reduce the duration of training while increasing their intensity. On average, they last 2 hours. "
As a high-level sportswoman, do you pay attention to your line and do you have a particular diet?
« I do not watch everything I eat hard. However, I used to eat small amounts several times a day. It keeps me from feeling heavy during training. I consume primarily fruits, dairy products, a little meat, fish or eggs, but few starchy foods on the other hand. I also went to breakfast without gluten. When I'm in the USA, I eat organicbecause I'm suspicious of their industrial products.»
Do you practice in addition to your workouts?
" Yes a lot. During the off-season, from April to June, we follow all kinds of dance and in particular classical ballet. Throughout the year, we also do a lot of physical preparation (bodybuilding and cardio exercises in the room) and sessions brought to the ground. "
Outside your specialty, are you attracted by others sports ?
" All sports at risk (ski, motorcycle, parachute ...) we are obviously prohibited by the federation. When I have time, I like to ride my bike on the weekend, taking my time. And when I go on vacation, I enjoy the pleasure of scuba diving. "
How do you manage the stress of competitions?
« Stress depends a lot on upstream preparation. It's easier to manage when you're really ready. Nevertheless, as soon as there is an issue, there is stress. When I wait in my room before a competition, I read, I take baths, I sew or talk with my friends on the internet.
Just before going on the ice, when you have to wait, I vacuum while breathing deeply while sitting. I like to listen to ABBA and their particular Super Trouper tube. Just before entering the track, Fabian and I give our hand and exchange a few sentences, to put us in confidence. »


Ducray's Ictyane range is the official partner of artistic skaters Nathalie Péchalat and Fabian Bourzat.

Meryl Davis and Charlie White WIN GOLD in ICE DANCING (June 2024)